This very spacious must see museum stands next to Walltown Crags, one of the highest standing sections of Hadrian’s Wall. Fabulous new exhibitions in three exciting galleries allow you to immerse yourself in the life of the Roman army - there is nothing else like this on Hadrian’s Wall.
Opened in 2011 and set in magnificent countryside next to a sweeping section of Hadrian's Wall, the Roman Army Museum is an authentic and dramatic tribute to Rome’s extraordinary military legacy. Step into the life of a Roman soldier and experience life on the front line of Emperor Hadrian’s formidable British frontier.

Explored through reconstructions, objects excavated along Hadrian's Wall and the Vindolanda Trust’s inspiring interpretations of army life including the exclusive HD Edge of Empire film, the museum pays unforgettable homage to Rome's military accomplishments in Britain.

The fort at Carvoran (Magnae Carvetiorum Latin for "The Greats of the Carvetii), predated the Wall, housing 1000 men in AD 80, but there is hardly anything left above ground. The Carrick family who farmed there through the 18th and 19th centuries found it was much more lucrative to sell all the inscribed stones they turned up with the plough to tourists than to try and grow crops. As a result there are more inscriptions extant from Carvoran than any other British site – but none of them are here!

Magnae was originally built to guard the junction of the Maiden Way with the Stanegate, the key supply route linking Coria (Corbridge) in the east to Luguvalium (Carlisle) in the west. As such it predates Hadrian's Wall. Its ruins are located at Carvoran in the civil parish of Greenhead in the English county of Northumberland. Magnae is one of 16 Roman forts along Hadrian's Wall; there are also 80 smaller milecastle forts and 158 turrets along its length. The Maiden Way ran south from Magnae to Bravoniacum (Kirkby Thore near Penrith).
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